Does The Type of PDF Editor You Use Really Matter?


You may not realize it, but your choice of PDF editing software can have a profound impact on the final document you create. That’s because different programs excel at different things. 

Some are better at handling large documents; others perform better with images and tables; some are more suitable for making annotations; and others are optimized for password-protecting your file. 

The truth is that no single piece of software is perfect for every job. 

To ensure that you have the best tools for the job, we’ve created this brief guide to help you decide which type of PDF editor you should use in different situations.

Decide Whether You Need a Cloud-Based or Native Program

The first thing you need to decide is whether you want a cloud-based or a native editor. A cloud-based editor is a web-based application that allows you to edit your files online. 

A native PDF editor is an offline software program that you download directly onto your computer. There are many arguments for and against these two types of software, but here are a few things to consider. 

If you’re working in a purely paper-based workflow, a cloud-based PDF editor is probably more suitable. This is because you will need to scan the documents and upload them to the online software in order to edit them. 

Annotate: Which Type of PDF Editor Should You Use?

If you’re frequently making annotations in your documents, it’s best to use a native PDF editor. That’s because, with a cloud-based editor, you might have to share the document with others and they might not be able to see your annotations. 

Native editors, on the other hand, can recognize the types of marks you’ve made and display them in the document. 

Edit Documents: Which Type of PDF Editor Should You Use?

If you’re frequently editing documents and making significant changes to them, a native software  is probably the best choice. 

They’re designed specifically to work with PDFs and can handle them far better than cloud-based editors. 

And, since they’re offline, you don’t need to worry about network issues or website outages affecting your editing process. 

Protect Files: Which Type of PDF Editor Should You Use?

If protecting your files against unauthorized access is important to you, a cloud-based PDF editing software is probably the best option for you. 

This is because, with a native editor, you have to install software on your computer. And, if it’s not kept up to date, it might not have the necessary security features to keep your files secure. 

Bottom line

When deciding which type of PDF editor you should use, you should consider the types of documents you edit and the role the software plays in your workflow. If your main concern is making annotations, it’s best to use a native program.

 And, if you’re sharing documents with people who don’t use the same program, a cloud-based editor is probably more suitable. Similarly, if you’re frequently editing documents, a native editor is probably best. 

And, if protecting your files against unauthorized access is important to you, a cloud-based editor is the better option.

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